Johanna Knutsson

Johanna Knutsson’s musical journey is one of constant reinvention. Retiring from her successful DJ career after 10 years of touring, she now focuses solely on her own music. With a goal of creating two new livesets and releasing more original productions this year, Knutsson’s slow-burn approach to creation yields innovative pieces spanning multiple genres and styles. Her music oscillates between lucid, pumping techno and ethereal ambience, with releases on notable labels like Klasse Wrecks, Kontra-Musik, Oscillate Tracks, her own UFO Station Recordings, and she also ran Zodiac44 with Luca Lozano. One thing is certain: Knutsson’s music will always carry us on a journey that is as unpredictable as it is unforgettable.
Where are you from?
South of Sweden, to which I’ve returned after 13 years in Berlin
Earliest musical memory?
When my older brother played Michael Jacksons “Thriller” to me and I got so scared of the sounds that I started crying. I did love it and it became my favorite record after that. I was 3 years old.
Why did you start a record label?
It was so inspiring to listen to other artists, and when I was in a really dark place in my life it helped me channelizing my anxiety into making music. My first solo-album was released 2019, and before that i’d worked together with Hans Berg (that I run my label UFO Station Rec with).
How did you connect with Patience Impatience ?
He reached out to me after hearing that album ( I think?). He is an amazing person to work with!
Some insight on the mix you recorded?
Oh, it was sooo nice to be able to let loose and just weave together favorite sounds and music for home listening. It’s only old CDs,vinyls and some soundbits i’ve recorded here and there. This is a piece for outside walks, red wine nights and couchpotatoes.