Patience / Impatience

Patience and Impatience are two twin labels running out of New York. Slow burning since 2019, Patience is an outlet for extended explorations down one or two sonic rabbit holes, an invitation for artists to stretch out and delve deeper and longer than they might ordinarily, to get lost in repetition and evolution as long as a standard piece of wax can handle.
Birthed in 2022, Impatience is a bit of reaction to Patience and is home to more standard, time-poor fare. The concept was galvanized when we received a work in progress that ended up being Old Gold by A.R. Wilson, otherwise known as Andras, or just Andy, a good friend who crafted a record that is the perfect example of the kind of lovingly crafted oddity we’d hoped to house on Impatience.

Where are you from ?
I’m from Sydney originally, but the label was conceived and runs out of New York.
Earliest musical memory ?
Listening to the radio in Mum’s car going to playgroup when I was about 4, specifically Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.
Why did you start a record label ?
I’ve been working in labels for about 20 years. I started out working with exactly the kind of music I was most psyched about but over time I guess my interests have broadened and a bit of a gap grew between the stuff I was working on and the stuff I was listening to and feeling most inspired by.
I started the labels to bridge that gap, and to midwife records that otherwise might not get the platform I feel they deserve
How would you describe the label’s sound ?
Patience came about because a few years back I found myself drawn to longer, more hypnotic, slowly evolving pieces of music, stuff I could put on and get really drawn into, and I wasn’t really finding much contemporary stuff in that form - which is admittedly much less the case these days. So there’s a template in terms of format - each release is either one track spread across two sides, or two side-long pieces - but in terms of a sound it’s not really defined.
Impatience was just a joke initially, like what if I do that and it’s all really short tracks, kind of too dumb to not do it. I didn’t quite take the gimmick as far as that but it’s just for regular album format stuff. Again it’s more about the format, I don’t know that it has a specific sound either but if someone like my neighbor asks I say “experimental, alternative electronic-ish music”.
Some insight on the mix you recorded ?
Influences come from everywhere everyday, and the mix is a very inexhaustive selection of some of the more influential sounds, records, artists, labels and friends, featuring some all time (and well worn) favourites, live from the living room.