
Tarotplane, hailing from Baltimore, Maryland, is the musical project of PJ Dorsey. With previous releases on labels such as 12th Isle, Lullabies For Insomniacs, Noir Age, and VG+, Tarotplane’s sound has been described as “New School Kosmiche,” combining elements of 70’s era masters like Achim Reichel and Manuel Gottsching with a modern twist.
Where are you from ?
Baltimore Maryland. U.S.A
Earliest musical memory?
I distinctly recall when I was six years old bringing my pennies and quarters to Suburban Records, a local shop, to buy the album “Magical Mystery Tour.” I assume I chose that album over “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” because of the cover art. I remember the display case at the counter had all these weirdly colored vases, which I later realized were bongs. In those days, record stores often doubled as head shops.
Why and when did you start making music?
I’m still not sure why I make music. One day, I may figure that out. Perhaps I want to intentionally make my life more difficult (I say this half-jokingly). I received my first guitar when I was around 10 or 11 years old. Throughout my life, I have had a love-hate relationship with it, often picking it up and then abandoning it for years at a time. It wasn’t until 2014, when I was 47 years old, that I started recording my own music. I guess you could say I’m a late bloomer.
How did you connect with Patience Impatience ?
I am always on the lookout for labels that might be interested in releasing music that is a good match for mine. After seeing posts about a particular label on Instagram and listening to their output, I decided to email the owner and ask if they might be interested in releasing my music. Thankfully, they said yes, and I had a great experience working with them to put together the album. I enjoy collaborating with labels to make the best possible album in terms of track selection and flow. This started with Fergus at 12th Isle, who was instrumental in helping me form the album. It continued with Glen, whose input had a big impact on the finished product.
Some insight of the mix you recorded ?
This mix is centered around the concept of memory, and I’ve focused on psychedelic music from the 60s and early 70s, which has always been a particular interest of mine. While it’s not always present in the music I make, it’s been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I enjoy a moody, vaguely dark, proto-gothic psychedelic sound, and I think Americans did a great job of capturing this vibe. This mix is a collection of that “style.” I’ve been collecting psychedelic music from all over the world for most of my life, and I hope that this microgenre will find some fans on your platform.