
Patrick Keuthen, Offen Art Director, is also known by the nickname 82J6. A musical alchemist that fuses elements of mahraganat and techno into a captivating soundscape.
As a producer and artist, 82J6 has garnered recognition for his percussive, spiritual approach to club music, his productions shimmer with traditional North African drums and mesmerizing saz pipes. Through his micro label, 82J6 presents a vibrant world of swinging, propulsive beats that resonate with fans of Offen Music, standing as a testament to the power of musical mutation.
Where are you from ?
I grew up in the Rübenwüste between Düsseldorf and Cologne and have lived in Cologne since 2006. I moved there because of my design studies and because it was the coolest town nearby.
Earliest musical memory?
The intro to “Shout” by Tears for Fears with those sizzling shakers and that hammer-on-metal sound – in an endless loop in my parents’ living room. And a hard rock concert my uncle and aunt gave in the back room of the village pub when I was maybe 10 years old. I kind of remember sitting on the roof of an old car that was standing in the middle of the room.
Why and when did you start making music?
There was always a lot of music in my family. My father gained a reputation in building hi-fi tube amps, my uncle has been playing in bands and making music for more than 40 years. It was therefore obvious that it would also take me there one day. Initially, it was hip hop in the mid/late nineties and the advent of cheap music software. 1999 the first beats … Around 2004 going out at Harpune Düsseldorf. From then infected with electronic (dance-)music.
How did you connect with Offen. ?
I met Vladimir around 2013. At that time I started working as a graphic designer for the agency that was connected to Desolat. We were work mates basically and shared an office in Düsseldorf. The job went, friendship stayed and Offen came.
Some insight of the mix you recorded ?
I got too late into electronic (dance-)music for originator nineties influences, so it’s more their early noughties offspring that influenced my sound. The minimal and electroclash hype back then – some might consider it a guilty pleasure but I somehow like to remember it. Wave and Post Punk can probably only be found in traces in my sound, but the mood of this music, especially from the early eighties, is for me the absolute epitome of what touches me about music in general: Fragility, coldness, melancholy. As I was born in 82, this enlightenment only came to me almost 30 years later. But it somehow ran through everything that was. In between there was hip hop and skateboarding … a lot of wrong turns, a lot of searching for my identity, a lot of traces that this time still left behind … and a lot of fantastic records.