Time is Away

Time is Away (Jack Rollo and Elaine Tierney) work across radio, research and site-specific sound-works. Over nine years as residents on NTS Radio, they have combined spoken word, field recordings and music as part of an ongoing reflection on the relationship between time, place and power.
Where are you from ?
We both grew up in London but Elaine was born in Galway, Ireland
Earliest musical memory?
Jack: I’m not sure about earliest but hearing Ode to Billie Joe by Bobbie Gentry on the radio and being mesmerised is an early one.
Elaine: Hating my Mother’s Bruce Springsteen records.
Why and when did you start making music?
We started making radio shows together on NTS in 2013. Time is Away came out of a desire to do something more expansive than just a DJ mix, something that had a narrative or an argument.
How did you connect with Idle Press?
We were huge fans of the Sky Girl compilation on Efficient Space and I guess we first met Laurent on a trip to Paris in 2018. His sensibility and approach to records really chimes with ours so we were super excited when he wanted to release Fable of the Bees.
Some insight on the mix you recorded ?
For our influences mix we have tried to include some of the things about music that have obsessed us, one way or another, since we started collecting records as teenagers. Things like: minimalism in music, German experimental rock, the human voice, ambient techno, indie, hip hop instrumentals and the influence of dub. Friends are important too. So we have added in some music we love created by people know. We hope you enjoy the mix.