Idle Press

Sometimes the over saturated levels in this ‘blink and you might miss it’ world of new electronica can be frustrating. I suppose if there were an antithesis to this pulsing mayhem it might look a lot like DJ Sundae’s label Idle Press. The simplicity and evocation of the name alone is perfect; let’s assume that the Idle can work, they just might choose not to, and that the press might be a machine we expect to find sweating oil as it churns out tomorrow’s news. Here we find an establishment that is somehow an extension of Sundae’s own brilliance in the mix(tape.) The mix is many different sacred things to us, where the best capture the personality of selection and true eclecticism. The latter can only blossom from a weight of knowledge. So, with a different pace to it - Idle Press only releases that which Sundae cares for and loves, and only release it when you want to - that way you stop fussing about being tomorrow’s big news. It’s a small back catalogue, that demonstrate his unrivalled ability to fold the peaks of the past in to a sometimes sugary and flaccid present.

Where are you from?
I’m living in Paris
What do you do?
Play records, release music & skateboard
Earliest musical memory?
Nina Hagen Band – Unbehagen LP as a birthday present
Why did you start a record label?
I like designing records and collaborating with producers that I admire
How would you describe the label’s sound?
Something like “pictural electronic music”