Brothers From Different Mothers - something of a disjointed family then, if not connected by blood, joined together by some other crusade? This is definitely an enigmatic brotherhood that keeps the magma at the core of Marseille’s scene molten, rich and crackling. It’s hard to know where to start with this tribe - a melding pot would be good - such is the diversity and harmonious stylistic clash going on here, with Judaah at the helm. It all kicked off in 2014 with an EP from the Pilotwings - an outfit synonymous with BDFM; coming at you with a wide slice of high pop irony that is woven through the label’s style. This is the home for everything from wonky dub to synthy pop that would pair well with shoulder pads and pumps. The promotional photography takes this irony perfectly to the edge. We make light of this team at our peril though, there is something infectious and effortlessly hip about what’s going here, for there is also tribalism too, adding a depth & weight to all that polyester. Having migrated from their Lyon roots, BDFM have bridged cities, joining the dots that make up a recognisable and innovative scene throughout the South West of France.

Where are you from?
Currently I live in Marseille, but I have lived in many different places (Martinique, Pierrefite-sur-Seine, Aix-en-provence, Lyon)
What do you do?
I work as a booker in an agency, and I manage the BFDM label (Brothers From Different Mothers)
Earliest musical memory?
Dire Straits, Niagara, Jacques Dutronc (tapes that my mother listened to on loop)
Why did you start a record label?
Because I like to complicate my life
How would you describe the label’s sound?
Some insight on the mix you recorded?
Cornel Campbell, Ernest Ranglin, King Sampson, Roots/Rock/Reggae maaaaaan !