A Colourful Storm

It seems to be a common thread these days for a mix series to release tapes and eventually become a musical output of its own. This was the case for A Colourful Storm which started out as such a decade ago in the land of Oz. Helmed by the local DJs Calum James and Bentley soon to be joined by Mathew Xue aka Moopie, who ended up taking things in hand and running the label.
An extremely eclectic venture which would be hard to pigeonhole as the diversity of releases spans from folk, to avant-garde, minimal synth, electronica and more leftfield oddities. Such sounds and feelings are reminiscent of those days where you used to trade mixtapes at college, not knowing what the content would be until you stuck it in your walkman on the way home.
Some have called it “a right mess”, “a big and warm bazar”, “a network of freaks”, but it remains a place for artists and listeners to cross paths, mingle and get along pretty well, in the smoker’s room or elsewhere…

Where are you from ?
I grew up in Melbourne but was born in Beijing.
Earliest musical memory ?
Pop music blaring through the car stereo. Songs by The Cardigans and Everything But The Girl come to mind.
Why did you start a record label ?
I thought I had an interesting story to tell.
How would you describe the label’s sound ?
Sometimes emotional. At other times uplifting. Hopefully affecting.
Some insight on the mix you recorded ?
It’s an abridged version of something I recorded almost ten years ago for A Colourful Storm, when it was a mix series. The theme was ‘influences’ and the songs, fleeting and melancholic in feeling, still resonate with me today.