Macadam Mambo

Launched in 2012, Macadam Mambo just celebrated its 10th birthday at the beginning of July. Who would have expected it to go that far using such unorthodox ways. The label is a catalyst of influences serving a rich musical vision. Calling to the asphalt of the “Macadam Massacre” by the Béruriers Noirs, the mythical french punk band which is also one of Sacha’s biggest influences, as well as the black magic of a Voodoo priest guiding the souls during ceremonies. Macadam Mambo is a name which conjures a full universe in its own right.
From Disco not Disco edits and Chicago acid productions, to Krauty-Leftfield electronic dance not so dance orientated new music, we cannot say that the label is easy to pigeonhole. With almost 60 releases under its belt its evolution is constant and doesn’t go unnoticed. Sacha is also at the helm of the labels visual direction but always open to occasional collaborations too.
As artisans and amateurs of this DIY culture, labels like Macadam Mambo and of many other of their colleagues are probably the last ramparts to the mainstream bulldozer which is grinding little structures to merge them into a global music market run by the big corporations, in which the taste and the smell often feels the same…

Where are you from?
I was born in Tassin la ½ Lune (69), and I grew up in the suburbs of Lyon in France.
Earliest musical memory ?
Possibly Prokofiev « Pierre et le Loup », I still have the record. Another great memory is seeing Elton John playing the piano at a concert where my mother took me when I was 6.
Why did you start a record label ?
Good question, I’m still wondering why myself? On a more serious note, me and my ex-partner Guillaume des Bois made a bunch of edits that we were dreaming to have on vinyl. I had never imagined it would become something that serious, but little by little it seems to have turned out that way…
How would you describe the label’s sound ?
It’s not easy to define, it’s pretty eclectic: close to Leftfield, Krautrock but also very electronic, slightly experimental, a bit punk… you need to listen to understand.
Some insight on the mix you recorded ?
I needed a bit of reflexion to conceive it, because it’s about influences and I have so many that it’s not possible to put everything together. Actually it is but it would result in a big cornelian dilemma and I wanted something coherent that fits with the label…
In the end I decided to take a track from every record labels that I admire and which were influential for me and Macadam Mambo, a kind of hommage. It ends with “Macadam Massacre” by the Bérurier Noir which influenced half of the name of the label.